Tools DEMO
You will use Flipgrid extensively, so it’s best to download it onto your phone from Apple Store for iPhones and Google Play for other phones. Visit the website to check out how the app works.

Google Docs, Forms, Slides
Google tools are often used in schools, so you’re probably already set. You’ll need them for asynchronous collaboration.
Google Docs will need to be shared with others and collaboratively redacted.
Remember to either give your group members editing rights or set the sharing link to “whoever has the link can edit”.
Here’s a screenshot of what this looks like.

Google Slides might be easiest to use in order to showcase your asynchronous collaboration on the project.
Remember to either give your group members editing rights or set the sharing link to “whoever has the link can edit”.
Here’s a screenshot of what this looks like.

Google Forms may be used for quick surveys and reflections. Simply answer the questions. If a message appears ” please write more” this means that the answer provided needs to include more details.
Remember to SAVE A COPY of your responses each time you reflect and evaluate. Click the “SEND ME A COPY OF MY RESPONSE” button.
See the screenshot on the right.

Padlet is a great place for gathering ideas, sharing them and modifying them later. It’s like a living, breathing webpage. Users can add links, YouTube videos, files and images to Padlet notes. They can move and arrange them.
Here are some links to helpful tips on how to use Padlet:
Please remember to add a Padlet file with your Forum Group number and names of contributors.
Please remember it’s our common space, so do not rearrange someone else’s work or try to modify it/delete it without prior approval from the owner.